Dedicated to the memory of Beryl Milnes

For those who knew my darling wife Beryl, will remember her as someone full of life and love. Always having a deep interest in getting to know those around her. Always opinionated but never offensive, she would take on the toughest of rugby players without flinching, most staunch Tories without blinking an eye.

Her passing will leave a huge void for many. My wonderful sons Alistair and David join me in our heartfelt thanks to everyone at The Hospice of St. Francis, Berkhamsted for their amazing care.

This page has been set up to help raise funds so that more people are able to benefit from these carers who I can only describe as Angels. Under their wonderful care, Beryl was able to remain with me in the home she loved, with Alistair and David by her side.

My thanks and love to you all,

Richard X



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Beryl, love, luv, you god-sped traveler, you Brit, you gift, you all– our bequest from the angels. Sharing truth, alive with passion, driving your chariot of fire, giving love, love given unsought. Your stage without bounds: Village School across the pond, the global village beyond the Globe, this scepter’d isle, this ever-quirky world. You Milnes, our Beryl, still savored, still loved. Always to me, fair friend, you never can be old, ever. –Rick from across the pond
21st July 2020
Paul, Grant, and I send so much love the Milnes family. Paul has such wonderful memories of the hospitality you all showed to him and his wife when he 'ventured across the Pond'. Grant and I remember our 4th Grade year at Village School. I was the teacher and we all took a field trip to the San Fernando Mission. I told the children how old the mission was...several hundred years! Beryl scoffed at me saying that a few hundred years was nothing compared to the monuments in England!!! What a wonderful woman and friend....even though we were thousands of miles apart!! I feel very blessed to have known Beryl. Much sympathy and love, Dodie (Skibitzke) Bushee
2nd May 2020
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Beryl. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by The Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted on 28/04/2020
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The Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted
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